For customers going solar in the SRP territory, SRP offers two types of Solar Rate Plans – Demand-based or Export-based – and each of these has two options, for a total of four different Solar Rate plans that a customer can choose from. Below, we’ll discuss each plan type in detail, empowering SRP customers to make an informed decision when considering solar options.

Seasonal Energy Rates and Time-of-Use Peaks 

SRP Solar Plans have three Seasonal Energy Rates and two Time-of-Use Segments: 

  1. Winter: November through April (On Peak: 5am – 9am & 5pm – 9pm
  2. Summer: May, June, September and October (On Peak: 2pm – 8pm)
  3. Summer Peak: July and August (On Peak: 2pm – 8pm)

On-Peak times have the highest usage rates. Off Peak times, which offer mid-range usage rates, are on weekends and certain holidays as designated by SRP. Electric Vehicle Export customers get a dedicated Super Off-Peak time slot from 11pm to 5am with the lowest usage charges.

SRP Solar Plan Overview 

 Customer Generation Average Demand Time-of-Use Export Electric Vehicle Export 
Net Metering   
Export Based   
Table showing types of plans in the y axis first column: Demand Based, Net Metering and Export Based. In the x axis first row: Customer Generation, Avg Demand, Time-of-Use, Electric Vehicle Export.
  1. Customer Generation Plan (E-27) 

This plan has the lowest usage charges, about half the rate of the Time-of-Use Export Plan. However, it does have a Demand Charge for the highest on-peak demand reading based on 30-minute intervals. This plan is ideal for homeowners with consistent energy usage. Save by reducing demand during on-peak hours with a Demand Manager and SRP’s online usage tracker. Any excess energy sent to the grid is credited to the homeowner through a process known as Net-Metering. For insight into different charges that go into this rate, please see SRP’s Customer Generation Price Plan Sheet.  

  1. Average Demand Plan (E-15) 

On this plan, we calculate the homeowner’s demand by averaging the highest on-peak demand readings over a billing period.To determine peak daily usage, identify the 30-minute interval with the highest electricity consumption during on-peak hours at home. This ensures a clear and precise understanding of energy usage. This plan benefits homeowners with higher demand usage variations, without penalizing them for unusual spikes in monthly usage. Additionally, homeowners receive credits for any excess energy they send to the grid through a process known as Net-Metering. For insight into the different charges that go into this rate, please see SRP’s Average Demand Price Plan Sheet.  

No Demand Charges

  1. Time-of-Use Export Plan (E-13) 

This plan has no demand charges, but homeowners will pay higher usage rates compared to the previous plans mentioned. Furthermore, the grid will credit any excess energy sent at a rate of 2.81 cents per kWh, without net metering. Ideal for homeowners seeking a simpler approach to energy management, especially those who frequently use electrical appliances during on-peak hours. Shifting usage to off-peak hours can help realize savings. For insight into the different charges that go into this rate, please see SRP’s Time-of-Use Export Price Plan Sheet.  

  1. Electric Vehicle Export Plan (E-14) 

Like the Time-of-Use Export Plan, this option provides low rates, excess energy credits, and a cost-effective Super Off-Peak hour (11pm-5am) for EV charging users. Additionally, a homeowner could use other electric appliances during these hours to save more compared to the plans mentioned above. To understand the charges for this rate, refer to SRP’s Electric Vehicle Export Price Plan Sheet

Comparing Solar Price Plan Time-of-Use Rates 

 Customer Generation Average Demand Time-of-Use Export Electric Vehicle Export 
Grid Fee (per month) $32.44 – $45.44 $32.44 $32.44  $32.44  
Winter Rates ($ / kWh) November – April  
On Peak 0.0604 0.0604 0.1145 0.1145 
Off Peak 0.0564 0.0564 0.0885 0.0931 
Super Off-Peak    0.0769 
Summer Rates ($ / kWh) May, June, September, October 
On Peak 0.0638 0.0638 0.2270 0.2270 
Off Peak 0.0536 0.0536 0.0903 0.0941 
Super Off-Peak    0.0787 
Summer Peak Rates ($ / kWh) July and August 
On Peak 0.0798 0.0798 0.2585 0.2585 
Off Peak 0.0588 0.0588 0.0906 0.0946 
Super Off-Peak    0.0790 

Comparing Demand Rates 

 Customer Generation Average Demand 
Winter Rates ($ / kW) November – April  
First 3 kW 3.49  8.13 
Next 7 kW 5.58 
All Add’l kW 9.57 
Summer Rates ($ / kW) May, June, September, October 
First 3 kW 7.89  19.29 
Next 7 kW 14.37 
All Add’l kW 27.28 
Summer Peak Rates ($ / kW) July and August 
First 3 kW 9.43  21.94 
Next 7 kW 17.51 
All Add’l kW 33.59 

Understanding Demand Charges and How to Reduce Their Impact 

These charges represent the total energy (kW) consumed by a home at any given moment, separate from kilowatt-hours (kWh) which measures electricity usage over time. The demand can vary based on the electrical appliances in a home, such as clothes dryer, washer, dishwasher, oven, stove, freezer, microwave, refrigerator, air conditioner, computers, televisions, lights, water heaters, pool pumps, and EV chargers.

To avoid high demand charges, homeowners can shift electric appliance usage to off-peak or super off-peak hours, stagger appliance usage during on-peak hours, or implement a Demand Manager (Load Controller). This device connects to large appliances in the home and turns off other appliances when the demand limit setting is reached, limiting demand.

For more information on any of these Solar Rate Plans or to discuss which one is right for you, please contact SRP. 

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